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Time Tracking


Time tracking can be set at either a Global or a Project level. Projects will inherit the Global settings by default, but if the Project settings are different, Clockwork will respect the Project settings.

  • To configure the Global setting, go to Jira settings > Apps > Clockwork configuration > Time Tracking.

  • To configure the Project setting, go to Project settings > Apps > Clockwork > Time Tracking.

Time Tracking Mode

The time tracking mode set at the global level will be inherited by all projects unless different settings are implemented at the project level.

Turned off

Use this mode if you want to use Clockwork only for reporting purposes (in My Work, Timesheets, and Reports). In this mode, Clockwork will be hidden in the issue view. All started and running timers will be destroyed.


Users can only log time manually using the + button.

Manual + clocked

If manual and clocked time tracking is enabled, users will be able to start and stop a timer on an issue or log time manually using the + button.

Manual + clocked + automatic

This time tracking method gives the most freedom to your team as they can use their preferred way of logging time: manual, using manual timers that they can start or stop on an issue or in the Calendar view, or by transitioning the issue to active status and then out of it.

Manual + Automatic

Automatic timers start and stop based on the issue status. When an issue has an assignee and is transitioned to an active (see below) status, the timer will start. When the issue is transitioned to an inactive status, the timer will stop. If only automatic time tracking is enabled, users will not see buttons to start and stop time tracking on Jira issues. They will also not be able to fill in the worklog attributes when the issue transition from the active status out of it - they will need to edit the worklog to be able to add those.

Multiple Timers

You can allow multiple timers to simultaneously run for the same user, or (recommended) automatically stop any running timers when a new timer starts for a given user.

Time Rounding

Time rounding mode allows you to indicate if you want to record timers that ran for less than one minute; and if you want to round timers up to the nearest quarter of an hour.

Time tracking is enabled for selected issue types

You can choose to enable time tracking for some issue types, but not others. Note that new issues types will be enabled by default

Stop all issue timers when work is done

Enabling this setting will stop all timers from running when the issue is transitioned out of an active status, regardless of whether or not a user (who may or may not be the assignee) has a timer running on the issue.

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