Recent Changes
To see recent changes to a checklist item, including when an item was checked and by whom, hover over the checklist item. A tooltip will appear with the time and author of the most recent changes.
Checklist History
Select Checklist history in the Activities dropdown at the bottom of the Jira issue to see a full history of changes to the checklist(s). Note that this feature was implemented in mid-January of 2020. Use the Jira History tab to see changes prior to that.
Checklist for Jira FREE shows events from the last 30 days only. If you want to see the full history, please upgrade to Checklist for Jira PRO or ENETERPRISE
A search bar allows you to search for text in the checklist names or titles, as well as for users who made changes to the list.
Print or Export
The checklist history can be exported/printed as a PDF. Clicking on the Export button opens a print dialog box. To save the file, select Save as PDF. The export respects currently applied sorting, as well as any search filter, allowing you to export exactly the list of events you're currently viewing.
Clear history
In case of privacy concerns, Project Administrator can delete the checklist history for a given issue with the Clear history button. Clearing history is recorded in history as presented below:
Use the arrow ↑ button to sort the events from earliest to latest (↓); or from latest to earliest (↑).
Jira History
If the Save checklist data to Jira custom fields global setting is enabled, then changes to the checklist will also be logged in the History tab of the Activities at the bottom of the issue. The history will show the changes as having been made by the Issue Checklist app.
If you would like the option to have Custom Fields integration enabled, but not have changes to the checklist recorded in the Jira history, please vote for this Atlassian issue.