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Template Permissions

Work on Templates

If the custom Work on Checklist Permission is enabled, the ability to create templates is granted by adding the appropriate user, role or group the Manage Checklist Template project permission in the project’s permission scheme.

Please note that similar to Jira, Checklist for Jira allows System Administrators to perform actions that require Administer Project permission. 

Company-managed (Classic) Projects

The following permissions are required to work with templates in Company-managed projects: 

Global custom Work on checklist permissions setting  disabled

Global custom Work on checklist permissions setting enabled

Create template

Edit Issues

Manage Checklist Template

*Load template (append)

Edit Issues

Add Checklist Items

*Load template (overwrite)

Edit Issues

Add Checklist Items + Delete Checklist Items

Edit template (author)

Browse Projects

Manage Checklist Template

Edit template (all)

Administer Projects

Manage Checklist Template

Delete template (author)

Browse Projects

Manage Checklist Template

Delete template (all)

Administer Projects

Manage Checklist Template

Set default template

Administer Projects

Manage Checklist Template

*View Template Permission is also required if the Global custom View checklists permission is enabled.

Team-managed (Next-Gen) Projects

The following permissions are required to work with templates in Team-managed projects: 

Global custom Work on checklist permissions setting  disabled

Global custom Work on checklist permissions setting enabled

Create template

Member, Agent or Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Load template (append)

Member, Agent or Administrator role

Add Checklist Items

Load template (overwrite)

Member, Agent or Administrator role

Add Checklist Items + Delete Checklist Items

Edit template (author)

Viewer, Member, Agent or Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Edit template (all)

Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Delete template (author)

Viewer, Member, Agent or Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Delete template (all)

Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Set default template

Administrator role

Manage Checklist Template

Please note that in Team-managed (Next-Gen) projects default roles cannot be modified. In order to use custom permissions, you’ll need to create a custom role and grant custom permissions to it.

View Templates

If the custom View Checklist Permission is enabled, then the ability to view the list of checklist templates is granted by adding the appropriate user, role or group the View Checklist Templates project permission in the project’s permission scheme.


Users who have not been granted the View Checklist Template permission will see an error message if they attempt to view the templates page or load templates on an issue.


Company-managed (Classic) Projects

The following permissions are required to work with templates in Company-managed projects: 

Global custom View checklist permissions setting  disabled

Global custom View checklist permissions setting enabled

See templates list

Browse Projects

View Checklist Templates

Load templates on an issue

Browse Projects

View Checklist Templates

Team-managed (Next-gen) Projects

In team-managed projects, if the global custom View checklist permission is enabled, you will need to grant the View Checklist Template permission to the appropriate role in order for them to be able to see and load checklist templates.

Global custom View checklist permissions setting  disabled

Global custom View checklist permissions setting enabled

See templates

Viewer, Member, Agent or Administrator role

View Checklist Templates

Load templates on an issue

Viewer, Member, Agent or Administrator role

View Checklist Templates

Combining Permissions

View Checklist Templates Permission Without Manage Checklist Templates Permission

Users who have the View Checklist Template permission, but not the Manage Checklist Templates will be able to see:

  • The list of templates

  • The list of issue types for which the templates is a default

  • The contents of each template

Manage Checklist Templates Permission Without View Checklist Templates Permission

Currently, users who have the Manage Checklist Template permission, but not the View Checklist Templates will be able to create checklist templates, but will not be able to view templates (including templates they created), or load them on issues.

If both the custom permissions are enabled, a user has been granted the following permissions will be able to:

View Checklist Template Permission only

Manage Checklist Template Permission only

Both View and Manage Checklist Template Permissions

See templates




Create template




Load template (append)




Load template (overwrite)




Edit template (author)




Edit template (all)




Delete template (author)




Delete template (all)




Set default template (author)




Set default template (all)




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