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Upgrading/Downgrading Between Checklist for Jira Free and Checklist for Jira Pro

Checklist for Jira is available in FREE PRO ENTERPRISEversions. All versions are fully supported. See this page for a comparison of available features.

  • Migrating between versions automatically preserves all checklist data. Checklists, templates, values in custom fields, etc. will be immediately available once the upgrade/downgrade is complete.

  • After upgrading/downgrading the checklist panel will be displayed beneath the issue Description. Users can move the Checklist to the right side panel if they wish. 

  • Upgrading or downgrading between versions can be performed an unlimited number of times.

Free and Pro versions share most configuration settings, excluding validators and read-only custom fields (Checklist Progress, Checklist Progress %).  Any checklist workflow validators, or automation rules, JQL filters, etc that use read-only checklist fields, will need to be reset. Simply re-select the validator/field and save.

Upgrading from Free to Pro

  1. Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage apps and uninstall Checklist forJira Free. (Uninstalling the previously installed app first will avoid duplication of custom fields. Your checklist data will still be preserved and will be shown in Checklist for Jira | Pro once it is installed.)

  2. Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Find new apps and search for search for Checklist for Jira Pro 🏆

  3. Install the app.

  4. If you block issue transitions using All checklist items are completed validator, you will need to update the workflow to use the validator from the newly installed version. 

  5. Reset any automation rules, JQL filters, etc that use read-only checklist fields.

Downgrading from Pro to Free

  1. Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Manage apps and uninstall Checklist for Jira Pro. (Uninstalling the previously installed app first will avoid duplication of custom fields. Your checklist data will still be preserved and will be shown in Checklist for Jira | Free once it is installed.)

  2. Navigate to Jira Settings > Apps > Find new apps and search for search for Checklist for Jira Free.

  3. Install the app.

  4. If you block issue transitions using All checklist items are completed validator, you will need to update the workflow to use the validator from the newly installed version. 

  5. Reset any automation rules, JQL filters, etc that use read-only checklist fields.

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