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Automatic Timers

How Automatic Timers Work

When automated timers are enabled, Clockwork will record the time that an assignee has an issue in an active status, and use this with the working hours to calculate the time worked. Automatic timers ensure that all work is logged, without users having to take any actions.

See this page to learn more about how time is currently calculated or about our new, improved timer mode, which takes into account users' Working Hours and Holidays. If you wish to switch to the new mode, contact us, and we’ll enable it for you.

Setting Automatic Timers

If automatic timers have been enabled in the global or project settings, then Clockwork can automatically track the time that an issue is an active status. To control which statuses are considered active, go to Project Settings > Clockwork and click on the Active Statuses tab. By default, Clockwork will use any status that is part of the In Progress status category as an active status. If you wish to change the active statuses, select the Override status categories radio button, then drag the desired statuses to the Active column.

When automatic timers are enabled in project, the timer will start whenever an issue has an assignee and is transitioned into an active status. The timer will stop when the issue becomes unassigned or is transitioned to an inactive status.

Viewing Automatic Timers on Issues

Time logged automatically will be shown in the Clockwork UI, which will also indicate if there is currently a running timer. You can also view running timers by navigating to Apps > Clockwork and selecting Timers from the left nav bar.

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