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Internal Activities

Note that Internal Activities are only available in Clockwork Pro.

Besides your project work in Jira, you might want to track your team’s time spent on internal, non-project-related, and more generic activities such as daily stand-ups, weekly meetings, admin, lunch breaks, or leave.

Internal Activities in Clockwork can be filtered for on the Timesheet and in the Log Work dialog.

To do so, create a project dedicated to internal activities and grant access to it to the teams that should use it for time tracking. Depending on your needs, you can select

  • a team-managed (set up and maintained by a team)

  • or company-managed (set up and maintained by your Jira admin) project.

Create a project.png

Define the activities that should be accessible for your team by creating issues in the project.

Internal tasks.png

Navigate to Clockwork Configuration settings and open the Internal Issues tab. Define which of the tasks you created in Jira should be treated by Clockwork as internal.

Set up Internal Tasks in Clockwork.png

Now, your team can log time against your internal activities easily.

Log work filters.png

By default, if you don’t use any filter on the Timesheet, you’ll see all the time spent by your team on all types of issues. With Internal Activities, you can easily filter the Timesheet to see only Internal Activities or see all tasks time except the Internal Activities.

Internal issues filters.png

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