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June 2024

Dashboard gadget - worklogs breakdown as a pie chart

Understand the split of time spent and take your decision-making to the next level!
Select the time range and the breakdown you want to see and view the data on the spot.
See the breakdown by:

  • projects

  • epics

  • issue types

  • labels

Clockwork Dashboard - Worklog summary.gif

Clockwork Dashboard Gadget

Learn more

Inline editing in the Issue View

Now, you can easily edit your time and comment by clicking on the worklog in the Issue View.
Press Enter to quickly save your edits or Esc to cancel them.

Quick add inline edit.gif

Inline editing worklogs in the Issue View

Improvements & Bug fixes

  • Our Clockwork Timesheet Access has been renamed to Clockwork Admin Access. We will be soon creating a separate permission enabling users to see Global timesheets.

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