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July 2024

Advanced Issue Hierarchy in Clockwork Timesheets! (Advanced Roadmaps/Jira Plans)

Jira Premium users can now group by Initiative or other parent issues beyond epic 🎉

Issue Type Hierarchy.gif

Learn more

Dark mode in the Issue view

Enjoy time logging in the Issue view in the dark mode!
Missing the dark mode in other places? Don’t worry - we’re planning to work on this soon 🙂

Dark mode in the Issue view.png

Dark mode in the Issue view

Refreshed Calendar UI

Welcome a new, refreshed look of the Clockwork’s Calendar. Add, edit, drag around or seamlessly copy your worklogs!

Refreshed Calendar UI.png

New calendar colors

Timesheets collapsed by default

See the big picture straight away when opening your timesheet reports and drill down into details when needed.


Coming up soon:

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