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My Work - Timesheet & Calendar views

In Clockwork, users can view their currently logged work as a timesheet or a calendar by:

  • using the My Work link in the Issue view

link to My Work.png

Link to My Work view

  • navigating to Apps > Clockwork, and selecting My Work in the left nav bar.

Apps menu navigation.png

Apps menu

Calendar View worklog details.png

My Work - Timesheet & Calendar

Timesheet View

The My Work page displays a timesheet for the currently logged-in user. As with any timesheet, the page can be configured for a specific date range, project(s), filters, and breakdowns.
You can also create/edit worklogs from this view.

Calendar View

This feature is only available in Clockwork Pro.

In Clockwork Pro, users can click the Calendar link to see their logged work on a calendar.

You can create/edit worklogs using a simple drag & drop. Hover over an entry in the Calendar view to show a tooltip with more details about the worklog and the action menu where you can start a timer, edit, delete, or copy a worklog.

Calendar View worklog details.png

View Another User’s Calendar

To view another user’s calendar, navigate to Apps > Clockwork from the main Jira menu and click My Work. Click on the user icon in the upper, left corner. Begin typing the name of the user whose calendar you wish to view. A user picker will open. Select the appropriate user.

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