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Validate that All Mandatory Items are Complete

This validator blocks a transition unless all mandatory items, including items on both Local and Global Checklists are complete.

This validator will only work in Company-managed/Classic projects.

To set the workflow validator:

  1. Navigate to Project Settings > Workflows

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the workflow.

  3. Select Diagram mode and click on the transition where you want to add the validator.

  4. Click on Validators.

  5. Click Add validator.

  6. Select the All mandatory items are completed validator and click Add.

  7. Click Add again to confirm creation of the validator.

  8. Click Publish draft to save the changes.

  9. Test the validator by attempting to transition an issue which does not meet the criteria. The transition will fail.

Troubleshooting Validators

Checklist for Jira uses issue entity properties to provide the following features:

Therefore, the Checklist must be able to set issue entity properties. This is enabled by default. However, if a jira.permission.* workflow property has been set on a workflow step, Issue Checklist may not be able to set issue entity property.

For example, the following property will prevent Checklist from setting issue properties, and features listed above won't work correctly:

Removing the jira.permission.* workflow property and using the standard Jira permissions to control who can edit the issue will allow the Checklist functions to work.

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