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Features (Free, Pro & Enterprise Comparison)

Limitations of Issue Checklist Free

Checklist for Jira Free allows up to 6 checklist templates, and up to 20 visible checklist items (including separators / headers). Over the limit items added to the checklist (before the limit was introduced or via the Checklist Text custom field) are saved but not displayed.

Over-the-limit items can be viewed:

  • Via the Checklist Editor

  • Via the Checklist Text custom field

  • By deleting some visible items

  • By upgrading to Checklist for Jira Pro


You can upgrade to another version of the app without losing checklist data. See this page for more information.

Comparison of Free, Pro and Enterprise

Enterprise subscriptions come with priority support including discovery meetings, demo calls and guided support.

Checklist for Jira

Using Checklists on Issues




Multiple lists per issue

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Include multiple checklists on a single issue. Learn more.




Number of checklist items per issue allowed




Toggle all checklist items

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Instantly check, or uncheck, all items in a checklist. Learn more.




Toggle all checklist items to target status

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Change the status of all checklist items in one go. Learn more.

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Concurrent editing

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Issue Checklist supports simultaneous editing of the checklist in multiple windows, allowing more than one user to work at the checklist at the same time, minimizing risk that data will be overwritten or lost.




Show checklist progress on cards in Jira boards

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Show Checklist Progress (or Checklist Progress % or Checklist Completed) on cards in Jira boards. Learn more.




Convert item into an issue

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Convert incomplete items into subtasks

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Adding Checklists to Issues





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Any user with permission to edit the issue can create checklists on the fly. Learn more.




Copy and paste

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Copy and paste checklists from other issues, bullet lists, trello…wherever. Learn more.




Bulk add

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Instantly add a checklist to multiple issues. Learn more.




Clone checklists

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Cloning checklists for cloned issues works out of the box. Statuses of cloned checklist items are set to unchecked/open. Learn more.




Checklist Formatting





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Include collapsable, multiline descriptions for any checklist item. Learn more.

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Due dates

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Include due dates for individual checklist items. Learn more.





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Include emojis on checklist items. Learn more.





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Headers/Separators can be used to divide a checklist into parts. Learn more.




Issue links

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Issue keys are rendered as clickable links. Learn more.




Item statuses

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Use simple checkboxes or statuses for each checklist item. Learn more.





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Markdown formatting allows you to use rich text on checklist items. Learn more.





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URLs are rendered as clickable links. Learn more.




User mentions

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Assign checklist items to a user. Learn more.




Global Checklists & Templates




Global Checklists

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Standardize processes with admin managed, live, global checklists.

Learn more.

(info) Note that the “Checklist Completed”, “Checklist Text”, and “Checklist Text View-Only” custom fields only reference local checklists and do not reflect the contents of Global Checklists.




Pre-built templates

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Use pre-built templates for:

- Definition of done for a story

- Definition of done for a task

- Security review

- UI tested on

Learn more.




Set default templates

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Automatically add a template when issues of a given issue type/request type are created. Learn more.




Number of templates allowed








Integrate checklists with automation

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Use checklists with automation for use cases such as:

- Add a checklist based on a custom field value

- Add a checklist based on a label

- Apply a checklist template

- Add a label when a specific checklist item is completed

- Add checklist items on transition

- Close issue when checklist completed

- Create checklist from email request

- Create checklist item from dropdown selection

- Create issues with checklists on a schedule

- Reopen issue if checklist becomes incomplete

- Replace checklist items on transition

- Send slack message with checklist progress

Learn more.




Assign Checklist Items




Find items assigned to me

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Any user can quickly find all incomplete checklist items assigned to them. Learn more.




Find items assigned to given user

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Jira administrators can find incomplete checklist items which have been assigned to any user. Learn more.




Dashboard gadget

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Users can add the Assigned checklist items gadget to their dashboards to see a list of all incomplete checklist items assigned to them. Learn more.




Email notification when the user is mentioned

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Send email notifications to users who are mentioned in checklist items. Learn more.




Workflow Rules, Post Functions & Validators




Clear checklist on transition

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Remove a checklist when an issue transitions to a new status. Learn more.




Mark all items complete on transition

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Mark all checklist items as complete when an issue transitions to a new status. Learn more.




Modify checklist on transition

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Change or append checklist items when an issue is transitioned. Learn more.




Validate all items complete

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Validate that all checklist items have been completed. Learn more.




Validate mandatory items complete

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Validate that mandatory checklist items have been completed. Learn more.




Validate checklist not empty

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Validate that the checklist has one or more checklist items. Learn more.




Validate for specific checklist item

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Validate for a specific checklist item. Learn more.




Configuration Settings




Works out of the box – no configuration required!




Global settings

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Configure global settings such as syncing with custom fields, whether to allow multiple checklists per issue, and statuses for checklist items. Learn more.




Projects settings

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Project Administrators can enable or disable Issue Checklist for a given project and enable statuses for checklist items, overriding the global settings. Learn more.




User settings

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Users can configure where the checklist is shown on the issue (main panel or right side panel), and whether completed items are shown or hidden. Learn more.





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Set custom permissions for who can view and/or work on checklists. Or let checklist permissions follow the issue permissions. Learn more.




Rename checklist title

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Select the title of the checklist (Acceptance criteria, Checklist, Definition of done, Success criteria, Testing notes). Learn more.




Jira Service Management




Checklist available for Service agents

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Service agents can use checklists on JSM requests in the same ways checklists are used on other Jira issues.




Checklist progress visible on customer portal.

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Checklist progress can be shown on the JSM portal. Learn more.




Read-only checklist visible on customer portal

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A read-only view of the checklist can be enabled on the customer portal. Learn more.




Enable portal view of checklist and checklist progress per issue.

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When the Show checklist and Show Checklist Progress on the JSM portal settings are enabled for a project, agents still have the option of hiding the checklist/checklist progress on individual requests.




Custom Fields




Checklist Completed

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A read-only, single line text field with a value of “All Completed” or “Not Completed”. It can be used in automation or validators. Learn more.

(info) Note that this field only stores the completions status of local checklists associated with the issue. Global Checklists are note included.




Checklist progress

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A read-only, single line text field with a value of “Checklist: x/y” where x is the number of completed items in the list and y is the total number of items. It can be shown in search results or on cards in Jira boards. Learn more.




Checklist progress %

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A read-only, number field that shows the percent of checklist items which have been completed. It can be shown in search results or on cards in Jira boards. Learn more.




Checklist template

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A single-select dropdown that allows the user to pick a checklist template they want to add to the issue. When the field is updated, the checklist will be added. It can be used with automation, bulk updates, and the API. It can also be added to Create and Transition screens. Learn more.




Checklist text

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Multi-line text field that stores the contents of the checklist(s) and can be usedto read or modify the checklist(s). The value of the field can be automatically synced with the checklist. It can be used with search, automation, scripts, importing and exporting checklists. Learn more.

(info) Note that this field only references local checklists on the issue. The contents of Global Checklists are not included.




Checklist text view-only

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A view-only copy of the Checklist Text field without user mentions or item descriptions. Learn more.

(info) Note that this field only references local checklists on the issue. The contents of Global Checklists are not included.




Search & JQL




Built-in search functions

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Built-in search functions redirect to the Issue Search page where they can be combined with additional JQL clauses. Learn more.




JQL extensions

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Use he following fields and functions to search for issues using JQL. Learn more.




"Checklist Text" ~ "abc"




Search user mentions

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Search for all items mentioning a given user. Learn more.

"Checklist Text" ~ "\"@user-account-id\""




Show checklist progress in search results

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Include Checklist progress (or any of the checklist custom fields) in search results. Learn more.




Jira Mobile




Mobile compatible

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Checklists can be used in Jira Mobile when the checklist panel is displayed on the right side panel of the desktop browser view.  Learn more.




Importing & Exporting




Create new issues with checklists

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Create new issues with checklists via a CSV import. Learn more.




Import checklists onto existing issues

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Import checklists onto existing issues via a CSV file. Learn more.




Import checklists from multiple Jira instances

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Include checklists when merging multiple Jira instances via the External System Import wizard. Learn more.




Import from other cloud apps

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A wizard makes it easy to import from other checklist apps. Learn more.




Import from Checklist for Jira Server / Data Center

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A wizard can be used to import checklist data from the Server and Data Center versions of Checklist for Jira. Learn more.




Include checklists in exports of Jira issues

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Include checklists when you do a standard export//Jira backup, or when you use Better PDF Exporter or Xporter for Jira. Learn more.








Elements Copy & Sync

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Copy issues with their checklists and item statuses, and synchronize to keep the checklists on both issues in sync. Learn more.




JXL for Jira

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Include Checklist Custom fields in spreadsheets that allow you to view, sort, and edit issues in within Jira. Learn more.





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Use checklists with Powerscripts – For instance, add a checklist when an issue is transitioned depending on the value in a custom field. Learn more.




Recurring Tasks

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Use checklists with Recurring Tasks – Add a checklist to an automatically generated recurring issue/subtask. Learn more.





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Use checklists with Scriptrunner – For instance, create new issues from checklist items when an issue is transitioned. Learn more.





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Use checklists with Xporter to include checklists with exported issues. Learn more.




Audit History




Recent changes

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The author and time stamp of recent changes are shown in a tool tip. Learn more.




Full checklist history

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The Checklist history tab provides a searchable, sortable record of all changes to the checklist. Learn more.


unlimited days /
1000 entries


unlimited days /
1000 entries


last 30 days / 100 entries

Jira history

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Changes to the checklist are also logged on the Jira history tab. Learn more.









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Use the API with Checklists to:

-Retrieving a checklist

-Creating or updating a checklist

-Deleting a checklist

Learn more.




Security & Support




Fully supported / SLA




GDPR compliant




Cloud Fortified




Status Page




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